No 21 Newhaven Detachment Sussex Army Cadet Force
07973 858858
We're a voluntary youth organisation for the Army Cadet Force
South Coast Bounty Hunters Fishing Society
A fishing club, fishing 10 matches through the winter months 5 matches Jan-March & 5 Oct-Dec The 10th Match to be a Super Pool
1218 (Newhaven) Squadron
01273 513218
Our aims are to: Promote and encourage a practical interest in aviation and the Royal Air Force among young people
Results from other Towns
Sutton Barn Community Club
Our aim is to provide facilities for those over 40 years to come together and enjoy a range of interests and to socialise.
Seaford Traditional Folk Dance Group
A relaxed and easy way to take exercise without an age-restriction or expensive special clothing or footwear which takes place every Wednesday morning from 10.15 -12.15.
Meridian Athletic Youth Football Club
Local youth football club offering "football for all " for local boys and girls